Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to Make a Button

Believe it or not, it's not that difficult. Henrietta, from A Hen's Nest, made the button for Just Contest Stuff, but I wanted to see if I could make one for this blog. And I can. So, if I Can do it, you can do it, too.

Start by finding ~OR~ designing your image. I found a free image on the web, but you can upload, scan or design your image however you feel comfortable.

Now, load that image to whatever photo editing software you know how to use. I used good old Paint. Stretch it, shrink it, add text. Play around, have fun with it. Get it how you want it. Easy peasy so far, right?

OK. So, you've got your image how you want it to look. The size is good, the colors fit your blog. Upload it to a photo hosting site {like Photobucket}.
This is my code:

Where I have, you need to cut that out & paste in your blog URL.
Where I have Just Random Stuff, you ned to cut that out & paste in the name of your blog.
Where I have, you need to cut that out & paste in the direct link to your image in Photobucket (or where ever)

And it looks like this:

Just Random Stuff

Button made. Yay!
I really tried to put up the code for the code box but can't get it to show. I can email it to you if you want it.


fraizerbaz said...

Hey, that looks so easy...thanks for sharing that tip!

I'm stopping by from Friday Follow... Have a great weekend!

Jayne Martin said...

Hi. Here from Follow Friday and am trying to follow your instructions, but I'm such a technotard. I've got as far as getting the photo on photobucket and I did the whole code in the comment section under the photo, but how do I get that on my blog now? Thanks for your help. I've added your blog to my blog roll.
